#H3K4me3 Reference Epigenomes track H3K4me3_Ref compositeTrack on shortLabel H3K4me3 Reference Epigenomes longLabel H3K4me3 Reference Epigenomes type bigWig visibility hide allButtonPair on priority 30 track CLL_H3K4me3 bigDataUrl data/Reference_CLLs_H3K4me3_50.bw shortLabel H3K4me3 CLL ref longLabel H3K4me3 CLL - Reference epigenomes parent H3K4me3_Ref on type bigWig color 255,0,0 priority 30 autoScale on track B_cells_H3K4me3 bigDataUrl data/B_cells_H3K4me3_50.bw shortLabel H3K4me3 B cells ref longLabel H3K4me3 B cells - Reference epigenomes parent H3K4me3_Ref on type bigWig color 255,0,0 priority 31 autoScale on #H3K27ac Reference Epigenomes track H3K27ac_Ref compositeTrack on shortLabel H3K27ac Reference Epigenomes longLabel H3K27ac Reference Epigenomes type bigWig visibility hide allButtonPair on priority 50 track CLL_H3K27ac_Ref bigDataUrl data/Reference_CLLs_H3K27ac_50.bw shortLabel H3K27ac CLL ref longLabel H3K27ac CLL - Reference epigenomes parent H3K27ac_Ref on type bigWig color 245,145,0 priority 50 autoScale on track B_cells_H3K27ac_Ref bigDataUrl data/B_cells_H3K27ac_50.bw shortLabel H3K27ac B cells ref longLabel H3K27ac B cells - Reference epigenomes parent H3K27ac_Ref on type bigWig color 245,145,0 priority 51 autoScale on track NBC-PB_cells_H3K27ac_Ref bigDataUrl data/Naive_B_cells_blood_H3K27ac_50.bw shortLabel H3K27ac NBC-PB ref longLabel H3K27ac naive B cells from plasma blood - Reference epigenomes parent H3K27ac_Ref on type bigWig color 245,145,0 priority 52 autoScale on track NBC-T_cells_H3K27ac_Ref bigDataUrl data/Naive_B_cells_tonsil_H3K27ac_50.bw shortLabel H3K27ac NBC-T ref longLabel H3K27ac naive B cells from tonsil - Reference Epigenomes parent H3K27ac_Ref on type bigWig color 245,145,0 priority 53 autoScale on track GCBC_cells_H3K27ac_Ref bigDataUrl data/Germinal_center_B_cells_H3K27ac_50.bw shortLabel H3K27ac GCBC ref longLabel H3K27ac Germinal Center B cells - Reference Epigenomes parent H3K27ac_Ref on type bigWig color 245,145,0 priority 54 autoScale on track MBC_cells_H3K27ac_Ref bigDataUrl data/Memory_B_cells_H3K27ac_50.bw shortLabel H3K27ac MBC ref longLabel H3K27ac memory B cells - Reference Epigenomes parent H3K27ac_Ref on type bigWig color 245,145,0 priority 55 autoScale on track PC-T_cells_H3K27ac_Ref bigDataUrl data/Plasma_B_cells_tonsil_H3K27ac_50.bw shortLabel H3K27ac PC-T ref longLabel H3K27ac plasma B cells form tonsil - Reference Epigenomes parent H3K27ac_Ref on type bigWig color 245,145,0 priority 56 autoScale on #H3K27ac Extended CLL dataset track H3K27ac_Ext compositeTrack on shortLabel H3K27ac Extended CLL dataset longLabel H3K27ac Extended CLL dataset visibility hide type bigWig priority 60 track CLL_H3K27ac bigDataUrl data/CLLs_H3K27ac_50.bw shortLabel H3K27ac CLL ext longLabel H3K27ac from the Extended CLL dataset parent H3K27ac_Ext on type bigWig color 245,145,0 priority 60 autoScale on track CLL_IgHV_unmut_H3K27ac bigDataUrl data/CLL_IgVH_unmut_H3K27ac_50.bw shortLabel H3K27ac U-CLL ext longLabel H3K27ac CLL with IgHV not mutated from the Extended CLL dataset parent H3K27ac_Ext on type bigWig color 245,145,0 priority 61 autoScale on track CLL_IgHV_mut_H3K27ac bigDataUrl data/CLL_IgVH_mut_H3K27ac_50.bw shortLabel H3K27ac M-CLL ext longLabel H3K27ac CLL with IgHV mutated from the Extended CLL dataset parent H3K27ac_Ext on type bigWig color 245,145,0 priority 62 autoScale on #H3K4me1 Reference Epigenomes track H3K4me1_Ref compositeTrack on shortLabel H3K4me1 Reference Epigenomes longLabel H3K4me1 Reference Epigenomes type bigWig visibility hide allButtonPair on priority 70 track CLL_H3K4me1 bigDataUrl data/Reference_CLLs_H3K4me1_50.bw shortLabel H3K4me1 CLL ref longLabel H3K4me1 CLL - Reference epigenomes parent H3K4me1_Ref on type bigWig color 245,200,0 priority 70 autoScale on track B_cells_H3K4me1 bigDataUrl data/B_cells_H3K4me1_50.bw shortLabel H3K4me1 B cells ref longLabel H3K4me1 B cells - Reference epigenomes parent H3K4me1_Ref on type bigWig color 245,200,0 priority 71 autoScale on #H3K36me3 Reference Epigenomes track H3K36me3_Ref compositeTrack on shortLabel H3K36me3 Reference Epigenomes longLabel H3K36me3 Reference Epigenomes type bigWig visibility hide allButtonPair on priority 90 track CLL_H3K36me3 bigDataUrl data/Reference_CLLs_H3K36me3_50.bw shortLabel H3K36me3 CLL ref longLabel H3K36me3 CLL - Reference epigenomes parent H3K36me3_Ref on type bigWig color 0,160,0 priority 90 autoScale on track B_cells_H3K36me3 bigDataUrl data/B_cells_H3K36me3_50.bw shortLabel H3K36me3 B cells ref longLabel H3K36me3 B cells - Reference epigenomes parent H3K36me3_Ref on type bigWig color 0,160,0 priority 91 autoScale on #H3K27me3 Reference Epigenomes track H3K27me3_Ref compositeTrack on shortLabel H3K27me3 Reference Epigenomes longLabel H3K27me3 Reference Epigenomes type bigWig visibility hide allButtonPair on priority 110 track CLL_H3K27me3 bigDataUrl data/Reference_CLLs_H3K27me3_50.bw shortLabel H3K27me3 CLL ref longLabel H3K27me3 CLL - Reference epigenomes parent H3K27me3_Ref on type bigWig color 170,170,170 priority 110 autoScale on track B_cells_H3K27me3 bigDataUrl data/B_cells_H3K27me3_50.bw shortLabel H3K27me3 B cells ref longLabel H3K27me3 B cells - Reference epigenomes parent H3K27me3_Ref on type bigWig color 170,170,170 priority 111 autoScale on #H3K9me3 Reference Epigenomes track H3K9me3_Ref compositeTrack on shortLabel H3K9me3 Reference Epigenomes longLabel H3K9me3 Reference Epigenomes type bigWig visibility hide allButtonPair on priority 130 track CLL_H3K9me3 bigDataUrl data/Reference_CLLs_H3K9me3_50.bw shortLabel H3K9me3 CLL ref longLabel H3K9me3 CLL - Reference epigenomes parent H3K9me3_Ref on type bigWig color 120,120,120 priority 130 autoScale on track B_cells_H3K9me3 bigDataUrl data/B_cells_H3K9me3_50.bw shortLabel H3K9me3 B cells ref longLabel H3K9me3 B cells - Reference epigenomes parent H3K9me3_Ref on type bigWig color 120,120,120 priority 131 autoScale on #ATAC-seq Reference Epigenomes track ATAC-seq_Ref compositeTrack on shortLabel ATAC-seq Reference Epigenomes longLabel ATAC-seq Reference Epigenomes type bigWig visibility hide allButtonPair on priority 190 track CLL_ATAC-seq_Ref bigDataUrl data/Reference_CLLs_ATAC-seq_50.bw shortLabel ATAC-seq CLL ref longLabel ATAC-seq CLL - Reference epigenomes parent ATAC-seq_Ref on type bigWig color 150,50,50 priority 191 autoScale on track B_cells_ATAC-seq_Ref bigDataUrl data/B_cells_ATAC-seq_50.bw shortLabel ATAC-seq B cells ref longLabel ATAC-seq B cells - Reference epigenomes parent ATAC-seq_Ref on type bigWig color 150,50,50 priority 192 autoScale on track NBC-PB_cells_ATAC-seq_Ref bigDataUrl data/Naive_B_cells_blood_ATAC-seq_50.bw shortLabel ATAC-seq NBC-PB ref longLabel ATAC-seq naive B cells from plasma blood - Reference epigenomes parent ATAC-seq_Ref on type bigWig color 150,50,50 priority 193 autoScale on track NBC-T_cells_ATAC-seq_Ref bigDataUrl data/Naive_B_cells_tonsil_ATAC-seq_50.bw shortLabel ATAC-seq NBC-T ref longLabel ATAC-seq naive B cells from tonsil - Reference epigenomes parent ATAC-seq_Ref on type bigWig color 150,50,50 priority 194 autoScale on track GCBC_cells_ATAC-seq_Ref bigDataUrl data/Germinal_center_B_cells_ATAC-seq_50.bw shortLabel ATAC-seq GCBC ref longLabel ATAC-seq germinal center B cells - Reference epigenomes parent ATAC-seq_Ref on type bigWig color 150,50,50 priority 195 autoScale on track MBC_cells_ATAC-seq_Ref bigDataUrl data/Memory_B_cells_ATAC-seq_50.bw shortLabel ATAC-seq MBC ref longLabel ATAC-seq memory B cells - Reference epigenomes parent ATAC-seq_Ref on type bigWig color 150,50,50 priority 196 autoScale on track PC-T_cells_ATAC-seq_Ref bigDataUrl data/Plasma_B_cells_tonsil_ATAC-seq_50.bw shortLabel ATAC-seq PC-T ref longLabel ATAC-seq plasma B cells form tonsil - Reference epigenomes parent ATAC-seq_Ref on type bigWig color 150,50,50 priority 197 autoScale on #ATAC-seq Extended CLL dataset track ATAC-seq_Ext compositeTrack on shortLabel ATAC-seq Extended CLL dataset longLabel ATAC-seq Extended CLL dataset type bigWig visibility hide allButtonPair on priority 200 track CLL_ATAC-seq bigDataUrl data/CLLs_ATAC-seq_50.bw shortLabel ATAC-seq CLL ext longLabel ATAC-seq CLL from the extended CLL dataset parent ATAC-seq_Ext on type bigWig color 150,50,50 priority 200 autoScale on track CLL_IgHV_unmut_ATAC-seq bigDataUrl data/CLL_IgVH_unmut_ATAC-seq_50.bw shortLabel ATAC-seq U-CLL ext longLabel ATAC-seq CLL with IgHV not mutated from the extended CLL dataset parent ATAC-seq_Ext on type bigWig color 150,50,50 priority 201 autoScale on track CLL_IgHV_mut_ATAC-seq bigDataUrl data/CLL_IgVH_mut_ATAC-seq_50.bw shortLabel ATAC-seq M-CLL ext longLabel ATAC-seq CLL with IgHV mutated from the extended CLL dataset parent ATAC-seq_Ext on type bigWig color 150,50,50 priority 202 autoScale on #RNA-seq Reference Epigenomes track RNA-seq_Ref compositeTrack on shortLabel RNA-seq Reference Epigenomes longLabel RNA-seq Reference epigenomes type bigWig visibility hide allButtonPair on priority 210 track CLL_RNA-seq_pos bigDataUrl data/Ref_CLLs_RNA-seq_plus_strand_50.bw shortLabel RNA-seq+ CLL ref longLabel RNA-seq CLL - Reference epigenomes parent RNA-seq_Ref on type bigWig color 120,190,120 priority 210 autoScale on track CLL_RNA-seq_neg bigDataUrl data/Ref_CLLs_RNA-seq_minus_strand_50.bw shortLabel RNA-seq- CLL ref longLabel _ parent RNA-seq_Ref on type bigWig altColor 150,0,0 priority 211 autoScale on negateValues on track B_RNA-seq_pos bigDataUrl data/B_cells_RNA-seq_plus_strand_50.bw shortLabel RNA-seq+ B ref longLabel RNA-seq B cells - Reference epigenomes parent RNA-seq_Ref on type bigWig color 120,190,120 priority 210 autoScale on track B_RNA-seq_neg bigDataUrl data/B_cells_RNA-seq_minus_strand_50.bw shortLabel RNA-seq- B ref longLabel _ parent RNA-seq_Ref on type bigWig altColor 150,0,0 priority 211 autoScale on negateValues on #RNA-seq Extended CLL dataset track RNA-seq_Ext compositeTrack on shortLabel RNA-seq Extended CLL dataset longLabel RNA-seq Extended CLL dataset type bigWig visibility hide allButtonPair on priority 230 track CLL_RNA-seq bigDataUrl data/CLLs_RNA-seq_50.bw shortLabel RNA-seq CLL ext longLabel RNA-seq from the extended CLL dataset parent RNA-seq_Ext on type bigWig color 76,138,76 priority 230 autoScale on track CLL_IgHV_unmut_RNA-seq bigDataUrl data/CLL_IgVH_mut_RNA-seq_50.bw shortLabel RNA-seq U-CLL ext longLabel RNA-seq CLL with IgHV not mutated from the extended CLL dataset parent RNA-seq_Ext on type bigWig color 76,138,76 priority 231 autoScale on track CLL_IgHV_mut_RNA-seq bigDataUrl data/CLL_IgVH_mut_RNA-seq_50.bw shortLabel RNA-seq M-CLL ext longLabel RNA-seq CLL with IgHV mutated from the extended CLL dataset parent RNA-seq_Ext on type bigWig color 76,138,76 priority 232 autoScale on